Sunday, September 19, 2010

Chaos Space Marine Tactica

Time for some tactics. To be honest, I'd never really taken much time looking at tactics, which meant my army consisted of 3 Obliterators, 2 squads of Berzerkers (with a Rhino and Landraider), Predator and 2 Dreadnought's.

While this may not sound too bad, if I went up against an Imperial Guard army I was generally shot to total shit before I got out of the starting gates. I won't deny I have actually won a couple of matches with this, but not many.

After doing some searching around, and posting on one of Australia's dedicated wargaming forums Wargamerau. I was informed it is wise for me to drop one of the Dreadnought's, Lord (I have a Khorne Lord and Kharn) and Predator for a squad of CSM in a Rhino and a Defiler. I'll be trying this new setup next time I play and see how it goes.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Told You I was Sick! (Again!)

Another month, another illness. Just when I thought it could get even worse, 2/3 of the house has come down with a nasty flu virus. Vomiting, fever, aches, pains... You get the gist.

Anyways, before I got sick I managed to do a little bit of painting. This resulted in getting 1 more model completed and around half way through another. I tried to take some pictures (as I promised I would) though they all looked terrible. Time to buy a new camera, which means adding it to my list of must buy items (which currently sits at OVER 9000!)

One thing I want to do is put out some plugs.

Privateer Press have a very nice brush called Formula P3 Fine Studio Brush. I just find myself constantly using this brush while doing all my normal and higher detail painting. At $12US it's also very well priced.

Also I would like to send out a plug for Escoda Brushes. While being generally unheard of behind big names like W&N. these brushes are bloody fantastic! I bought a 2/0 and a 2 of the Escoda Kolinsky-Tajmyr Sable Point and was amazed. They have a Super fine point that always stays pointed with absolutely no stray hairs. The only downside is the 2 is practically as fine as the 2/0, just larger and more un-wieldy. If you want to a good brush for fine, to super fine detail, you just can not beat the Escoda brushes.