Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I Am Sailing, Home Again, Across the Sea

Time for me to pop on the sailors cap, man the helm and float into the sunset! What is the meaning of this you ask? I'm going onto a houseboat for the weekend! It's going to be a glorious time of reading books, fishing, drinking and lounging about naked with the Wife. Ok maybe I won't be lounging about naked, we've been together too long to do those sorts of debaucherous activities.

Anyway, I have to say I'm mighty excited and can barely contain myself! I wanted to take some models with me to paint on the boat, but I was told NO! So it's just going to be fishing, reading, drinking and possibly watching some movies on the provided TV.

A word of advice, do not type "gay sailor" into google images. I am still in shock from the horrors that were displayed before my eyes!.

One final thing. The wife, and I had paid a meagre $10 each to buy some frames for a locally produced horror film named The Tunnel. The reason this film is so interesting is the fact that it is the first film to be offered to buy on DVD, and download legally on Bittorrent. The film also had a limited release run at the cinema's, and was aired on cable television.

You can download the movie from here. If you like the film, don't be stingy bastards, support it by buying some frames. You could end up with some cool looking piccys to print out like this.

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