Monday, June 13, 2011

Beginner's Luck!

I had the chance to play a young fellow at our local game day. The difference with this, versus other encounters, was the fact that it was his first ever game. He had a 1500 point Tyranid army, that was pitted against my rather lacklustre 1500 list that I slapped together on the day.

I started off with winning the roll and we were stuck into a hold the objective mission. All started off well for me, as he was essentially a sitting duck for a hail of bullets, rocket and laser beams on the first turn. Then he slowly moved forwards for another pummelling of projectiles. Eventually the tables turned when he was close enough to physically attack, then things started looking grim for me.

I have had very little to do with Tyranids in the past, so I was as much of a noob as the young fellow was. His little aliens were ripping Chaos Marines to shreds before my eyes, their shrieks of pain was music to my evil ears. Luckily I was smart enough to keep some distance, and managed to draw on held objectives by the end of the game.

So there you go, outdone by a new player. Am I upset about this? Not at all, I had a great game and learnt a valuable lesson... Don't play against Tyranids! :P

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