Monday, July 15, 2013

Flying High

Since the advent of 6th edition, and the new Chaos Space Marine codex, flying items have become quite cool for CSM. We finally got a vehicle in the form of the Helldrake, with it's Vector Strike and the ability to shoot as it a pivotal weapons (Hell Yeah!). Deamon Princes unluckily got a bit of a nerf in stuff like Smash (round down attacks for double penetration vs vehicles), no more Eternal Warrior (deamon weapon kill sticks me) and no more Lash of Submission (NOOOOOOO).

But we do gain some extremely cool things! we get flying! With flying you get to do move up to 24 Inches above everything raining down Vector Strikes (D3 + 1 S6 AP3 hits). If you wish to ramp up the odds, take out your CC and put on Burning Brand of Skalathrax for some S4 AP3 template action up to 23 Inches from your base with Torrent (base of template within 12 Inches of model).

Or another alternative is to keep the above setup then run Tier 3 Psychic Powers on Tzeentch and unleash merry psychic hell on your enemy as well. You'll also get to re-roll 1S on your armour save table. Like most people are going to care seeing it's going to take 6S to hit while your flying!

So you've have an extremely expensive (350 Points with Armour, Gift of Mutation and Spell Familiar), though hell of a lot more versatile Helldrake that start at the beginning of the game!