Monday, December 13, 2010

Zen and the Art of List Building

In my yearning to be the greatest Warhammer player in the history of the game (Yeah right!), I have engaged a fair chunk of my spare time pouring over Tabletop forums, and the such, looking for other peoples lists.

I have learnt through this that you can manipulate the rules of Chaos Armies by using a Land Raider as a dedicated Terminator Transport (Free Heavy Support!). Whilst this is a grey area, you are legally able to run the transport empty (leaving the Terminators to run or Deep Strike) and pile anyone in, then move on the second turn. Some people deem this as cheating, others don't. I see nothing in the rules about this, so I take it for being a legtitimate strategy.

I have also learn't that Daemon Prince's (Wings, Sorceror, Slaanesh, Warptime) make a viable, fast moving killing machine that is capable of wiping out Troops and Tanks with ease. The only issue with a Daemon Prince is vulnerability. I sent him onto a squad of Killa Kans over the weekend, he wiped out the Kans, but got himself killed by the trillion other Orks waiting.

Anyway, to finish this little rant off I have to point out that no matter how good your list is it will still fall over flat if your tactics are not up to par. My tactical skills suck badly, so I have a tendency to get steamrolled no matter what I have. Also the luck of the dice plays a massive part, so be prepared for your Plasma Gun to blow up in your face.

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