Obliterators are sloppy to say the least. They are made of metal, so you see lots of flashing (slaggy bits that you have to snip off) and other imperfections like bad fitting bits and mold damage. Did I also mention they are a nightmare to put together? Ahh yes I did! With metal models you need to use super glue, which means you glue it, then stand there like a statue getting cramps in your hands holding it in place. Only to let go and see the bastard thing fall off again. When you're doing this with tiny little guns, knives and the such you're frustration levels hit all time peaks. Your anger finally boils over when that wee little knife you've been holding in place falls on your dark carpet, and you have to crawl around like a fool looking for it.
Anyways, you've gone through the frustration of putting this together, now comes the fun part. Painting! For this model I used a guide from a fellow Blogger Glued my Fingers. I did take some minor liberties over his style. For one I find it so much easier to leave the arms off, do them separately, then glue them on after the painting is done.
Here is my end result...
While it is no Picasso, I did put a lot of effort into this pain in the bum model. The biggest issue is chipping. My son usually dips his metal models in dishwashing detergent for a few hours, maybe I should have done the same? I was constantly having to patch up black chips during the painting process and finally threw down a coat of Games Workshop's 'Ard Coat to stop the chipping. Hope you like and if you do want to paint an Obliterator, I recommend Alvin K's guide that I linked to earlier in this post.
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